Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16, 2012: Water Sky

Annie and Vincent's granddaughter finally meet. They wanted to meet for a long time and now they have. Annie told Little Owl how to make sealskin and igloos. The seal that Lincoln found is now Little Owls and she is excited. She is now making an igloo for him and for her to live in and it and is going to do every thing for this seal. Mean while Lincoln is upset because that was his seal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14, 2012: Water Sky

Lincoln was determined to get a whales attion. He set up all the traps including the food trap. Every one was mad at him because he tried to kill a whale. He was yelling at Annie because she called him a whale killer. He started to cry and was all upset but he was still determined to obtain a whale. It has been the 48th day and he knows he will get the whale he has been longing for.

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012: Water Sky's

Today, I read how Annie was telling stories about how the earth became. Kusiq was interested when out of the blue Lincoln walked in and Kusiq had a mad look on his face. Annie tried to calm him down so Lincoln was not fighting with him because of some crazy reason. Kusiq was calming down when he face turned to fury again.
"I tried to get or as you all say kill the big white whale called Water Sky," he said for every one to here. In Kusiq mind I know he was saying why do you even try to hurt a poor animal. Annie knew this would be a horrible night so she right away left the room in silance.